Black and deep red are the primary colours of their webpage. This is very similar to most webpages of rock bands however in keeping with the hard rock style of music the website does not appear to be gothic and instead appears to be more western based in terms of things like font.
The primary target audience is mid 20s to 30s rock fans as we can see by the bands members and colour scheme. They use darker more mature colours to attract their audience as opposed to more vibrant colours such as Avenged Sevenfolds blue on black colours (during the Nightmare era) which may seem more immature and attempting to attract teenagers than the duller colours of Alter Bridge.
The home page has the hero shot of the band dead center of the web page with the eyes immediately drawn to it.
This shot itself is interesting however because Myles Kennedy, the singer of the band is in the background which is unusual at first glance as bands singers are usually put in the foreground. However it is also interesting to note that despite his unusual position the eye is still drawn to him as he succeeds in being both in the foreground and the background at the same time due to the positioning for his arm.
He is also positioned directly over the thirds of the photograph meaning that despite his position the eye is automatically drawn to his face.
Their web banner is interesting in that it is quite literally a banner. This gives the webpage a lot more of an artistic appearance than something like My Chemical Romance's very basic banner. It makes Alter Bridge seem a lot more artistic which could be seen as a reflection on their music.
In the centre of the banner there is the button which takes the form of Alter Bridge's logo. This gives the audience a clear and obvious way of getting back to the home page without making a button which says "home".
They have a FaceBook link which will direct the audience to their FaceBook page where the audience can read more about current events in the band. It also improves their interactivity with the band and they can offer their own opinions to be posted directly to the band. This is a form of convergence as we can access a different medium via a different webpage.
The band uses a basic arial font so that it is easy to read and mature throughout. This keeps consistency with the kind of image that the web designer has been showcasing on the web page.