The narrative of our video begins with our woman walking through the park and passing a living statue. The statues eyes turn (the only bit of movement from which you see throughout the video). We then see her walking through the park and each time she turns she sees the living statue in a different frozen position not far behind her.
Initially she only gets slightly worried and uneasy. She cautiously continues her journey and the statue is found in many unusual spots watching her (behind bushes, walls etc.). While waiting for a bus she spots him frozen by the bus, and she panics and runs away.
As her journey continues and she begins to notice him more and more and she eventually panics more and more. She begins to run frantically away until she trips up. She stumbles to her feet to find him frozen behind her, she screams but then realises that the living statue was in fact only attempting to return her purse (he is frozen with his arm extended holding it).
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