Friday, 7 December 2012

Planning our Narrative / Difficulties with Researching

Thusday 6th

In keeping with our plan we're now planning our narrative and attempting to decide what sort of narrative best fits our video.

The cause for debate among our group is that we are currently not sure whether to include our initial comedic stalking narrative. This is because from our research so far we have not found any folk rock music videos that include a narrative.

Alberta Cross, Jeff Buckley and Bob Dylan are all heavily performances based. The closest we have come to a narrative was in the music video for "The Islander" by Nightwish, however this was a celtic rock song and it was not a true example of a folk rock song or a folk rock artist (Nightwish are a symphonic metal group and the song was not typical of them).

Because of this we have decided to look at other styles of rock and the sort of narratives they include in their music videos. We are going to take a look at pop rock and hard rock for inspiration. Particularly pop rock as their videos tend to lean more towards the humour that we would like to achieve in our video.

We have chosen to take keep our idea of a narrative involving comedic stalking
The narrative will be the following:

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